Lottery winners

210 issues

Published on: 2024-07-28 01:05:41

Original winner of Issue 210: [Singular+Sheep and Bull]?? accurate

Original of Issue 209, the big winner:【 singular +Rabbit pig] open 33, monkey permit

Original of Issue 208, the big winner: [odd number+ cattle Chicken] Kai 04, Niuzhun

Issue 207, original winner: [odd number+ pig Rabbit] Kai 18, Zhu Zhun

Issue 206 Original by the big winner: [odd number+ rabbit Chicken] Kai 14, Rabbit Zhun

Original of 204 Issue of Big Winner:【 singular +Pig and sheep] Kai 05, mouse standard

Original of Issue 203:【 singular +Snake and sheep] open 45, and the monkey is allowed

Original works of 202 big winners:【 singular +Chicken and cow] open 43, dog is allowed

Original of Issue 201:【 singular +Sheep Rabbit] Open 25, Long Zhun

Originated by 200 winners:【 singular +Cow and rabbit] open 43, dog is allowed

198 Issue Original of the Big Winner:【 even numbers +Monkey dragon] open 16, Niuzhuan

source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials


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